PHONE 0412 525 806 or (07) 5534 3951

Auditing Food Safety (Brisbane) is an accredited and independent, organisation, providing professional and affordable training and food safety compliance auditing services to leading International hotels, Hospitals (Public & Private), Universities, Retirement and Aged Care Providers, Gas and Mining Corporations, Caterers, Retail Outlets and Child Care Centres.
As a hospitality professional with over 30 years International Management experience in a vast variety of senior operational roles, and as a successful restaurateur, hotel manager and qualified chef, director Brian Anderson is eminently qualified to comment on all hospitality operations.
As a professional member of The Australian Institute of Food Science Technology (AIFST) and holding recognised qualifications in Workplace Assessment and Training, (Certificate IV), Food Processing, (Certificate IV) and Food Safety Auditing, (RABQSA qualified), Brian is committed to assisting businesses meet their food safety obligations through a sound understanding of operational problems, and well developed training, mentoring and auditing skills.
Brian has been providing both external and internal Food Safety and HACCP compliance audits for major organisations since 2008 and is accredited to audit facilities, including high risk cook-chill, and manufacture of cooked meats, with the following jurisdictions
- Queensland Health
- New South Wales Food Authority
- Victoria Department of Health
We offer relevant and helpful solutions in an environment and language that will encourage co-operative outcomes by interacting easily with staff from executive to operational levels with a practical ‘hands-on’ approach.
We are committed to assisting business to provide safe food, while meeting our client’s needs and timetables, through independent food safety and hygiene auditing.
We specialize in the provision of, desk-top audits, food safety plans, audits of management systems and training for the staff using these systems, presented from a realistic operational point of view.

Because we:
- Are friendly and approachable and take into account your business objectives and company resources to provide innovative, cost-effective solutions
- Allow your staff to focus on revenue activities
- Obtain and independent and objective view of your food safety / quality system
- Help reduce the likelihood of complaints and product defects
- Assist you to comply with legal requirements
- Implement detailed recommendations and corrective actions
- Provide opportunities for food safety improvements
- Provide practical solutions and impartial advice
- Prepare you for 3rd party certification audits
- Work to develop an ongoing relationship with our clients
- Offer complete flexibility
- Are confidential and professional
- Offer competitive rates for professional services
For all your Food Safety needs we are here to help. Contact us for more information on our services.